应兰州大学资源环境学院、西部环境教育部重点实验室孟兴民教授邀请,国际著名科学家、释光单剂量测年技术奠基人、国际释光技术发展与应用领军人、丹麦AarhusUniversity释光实验室主任Andrew Sean Murray教授与RezaSohbati博士于5月14日至18日来我校进行学术交流,并作学术报告,欢迎所有感兴趣的老师和学生参加!
报告人:Andrew Sean Murray教授
报告题目:Shining Light on the Past: an Introduction toLuminescenceDating
Professor Murray haspublished over 360 peer-reviewed journal papers with more than 16,500 citations, 3 in Nature and Nature Geoscience.
Professor Murray’s influence in the luminescence dating field is considerable, and >90% of all luminescence dating publications make use of methods and measurement protocols developed by Professor Murray and collaborators. Professor Murray has had a steadily increasing international influence and standing in the field of luminescence dating, particularly since 1996. Over a short period (1996-2000) he and his colleagues published a series of 10 papers which investigated in detail the luminescence characteristics of quartz, described the first successful single-aliquot procedures for measuring burial dose in quartz, and the first quartz single-grain measurements. These culminated in what remains today the standard procedure for the measurement of dose in natural minerals. Together these seminal papers have been cited >2500 times.