应兰州大学资源环境学院、西部环境教育部重点实验室孟兴民教授邀请,英国地质调查局Tom Dijkstra教授来我校访问,并作学术报告。
报告人:ProfessorTom Dijkstra
报告题目:Living withDynamicLandscapes: landslide processes and impacts
“Landslides are all too often in the news as these geohazards can have severe impacts on lives and livelihoods. This talk addresses examples from loess landslides and debris flows in Gansu; it presents an overview of landslide research work carried out by the British Geological Survey; and it introduces recent developments in daily landslide hazard forecasting in Great Britain.”
DrTom Dijkstra Engineering Geologist/Geomorphologist
British Geological Survey Environmental Science Centre Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5GG United Kingdom Tel 0115 936 3040 Email tomdij@bgs.ac.uk |
Tom Dijkstra, Visiting Professor of Lanzhou University, studied at Utrecht University, the Netherlands, taking Physical Geography with Geomorphology, Quaternary Geology and Soil Science as specialisations. In 1989, he moved to the UK after being offered a research position as part of a large EU-funded project and this supported his PhD on landslide mechanisms in Chinese loess. He worked in academia (incl. University of Leicester, University of London, Utrecht University, University of Sussex, Loughborough University and Coventry University) mainly in Civil Engineering Departments, focusing on geotechnical engineering. Since 2012,heis an engineering geologist/geomorphologist at the British Geological Survey specialising in climate change effects on slope instability processes in natural and engineered (transport infrastructure) slopes, geohazards and landslide hazard forecasting. He is on the Editorial boards of the “Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology” and "Engineering Geology" and is a Fellow of the Geological Society,London. He has more than 100 publications on the subjects of Engineering Geology and Geomorphology.